Discover Trinity: A Timeless Treasure of Jersey

Discover Trinity: A Timeless Treasure of Jersey


Nestled in the north of Jersey, Trinity is a parish that encapsulates the perfect blend of ancient charm and vibrant community life. Often overlooked by the typical tourist trail, this area holds a treasure trove of history, cultural quirks, and breathtaking landscapes. In this comprehensive exploration, we’ll delve into Trinity’s past, celebrate its present, and uncover some of the most intriguing facts that make it a unique spot on the map of the Channel Islands.

Historical Insights

Trinity’s roots stretch deeply into the past, with a history that is both rich and enduring. The parish was officially established under Norman influence, with the parish boundaries that we recognize today being laid down firmly by the time of the 1180 Domesday survey, where Trinity was part of de Groceio, a region likely named after the local de Gruchy family.

The heart of Trinity’s historical narrative beats strongest at its Parish Church, dedicated to the Holy Trinity. Unique in Jersey for its dedication not to a saint but to a divine principle, the church stands out with its striking white pyramidal spire. This landmark is not just a center of worship but a beacon of the parish’s heritage.

Governance and Administration

Trinity is governed with a blend of tradition and modern administrative practices. The parish’s head, the Connétable, is a role steeped in history, with Philip Le Sueur currently serving since 2014. The local government, headquartered at the Parish Hall, plays a crucial role in maintaining the parish’s vibrant community and lush landscapes.

Geography: The Lay of the Land

Covering an area of 12.3 km², Trinity is characterized by its rural beauty and agricultural landscapes. Only 16% of the parish is built up, allowing vast spaces for cultivation and natural habitats. The highest point in Jersey, Les Platons, offers breathtaking views and stands proudly within the parish’s boundaries.

Bouley Bay: A Deep Dive

One cannot discuss Trinity without highlighting Bouley Bay. Known for its deep waters and dramatic cliffs, the bay has a history of being a considered location for Jersey’s main harbor in the 19th century. Today, it is a beloved spot for both locals and tourists, offering serene views and a tranquil escape from the busier parts of the island.

Modern Trinity: Living and Leisure

In modern times, Trinity has embraced development while maintaining its rural charm. The parish has become a hub for first-time home buyers with developments like the 39-home project initiated by Meriel Edwards’ generous land donation. This development includes new footpaths enhancing accessibility and community connectivity.

Cultural Tapestry

Trinity’s cultural landscape is as varied as its geography. The Royal Jersey Agricultural and Horticultural Showground and Jersey Zoo are significant draws, offering events and attractions that engage with both the local community and visitors. The annual Weekender music festival brings contemporary zest to the parish’s cultural offerings.

Jersey Zoo

Perhaps the most famous landmark in Trinity is Jersey Zoo. Founded by Gerald Durrell in 1959, it is not only a major tourist attraction but a center for conservation efforts worldwide. The zoo’s commitment to preserving biodiversity resonates through its educational programs and conservation projects.

Notable Residents and Legends

Trinity has been home to notable figures such as Gerald Durrell and Alan Whicker, who have contributed to its international reputation. Additionally, local folklore such as the legend of the Tchian d’Bouôlé, a phantom dog said to presage storms, adds a layer of mystique to the parish’s narrative.

Twinning and Global Connections

Expanding its horizons, Trinity is twinned with Agon-Coutainville in Normandy, France. This partnership fosters cultural exchange and strengthens community ties across borders, illustrating Trinity’s global outlook while honoring its local heritage.


Trinity, with its compelling blend of history, nature, and vibrant community life, is more than just a parish in Jersey. It is a testament to the enduring spirit of its people and the timeless appeal of its landscapes. Whether you’re exploring its historical sites, enjoying its modern amenities, or participating in its cultural festivities, Trinity offers a unique slice of Jersey life that continues to enchant residents and visitors alike.